Review proposal

The planned date for review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No.10, on the use of inhaler systems (devices) in children under the age of 5 years with chronic asthma, and No.38, on inhaler devices for routine treatment of chronic asthma in older children (aged 5-15) was April 2005.  (In May 2003 we consulted on deferring the decision to review guidance no.10 until April 2005.)


The review date is the date when the Institute decides whether sufficient new evidence has emerged for the Appraisal Committee to be asked to undertake a full review appraisal.


Having re-run the search strategy from the original assessment report the Institute has not found any relevant or significant additions to the evidence base that would have a material effect on the guidance. Consequently we propose that the original guidance become static (i.e. the guidance remains valid, but does not require a scheduled review).


Consultees may well be aware of the 10th wave topic on corticosteroids that has been referred to the Institute by the Department of Health/Welsh Assembly Government.  It is likely that this appraisal will consider overlapping issues with this existing guidance.  Any impact on the current guidance will be dealt with in consultation with those involved, at that time.


In order to be completely confident that our proposal is appropriate, we are asking all original consultees, to inform us of any evidence which would suggest that a review would be beneficial.

This page was last updated: 23 December 2010