Review proposal: September 2007
Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No TA059 - on the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Proposal to update the guidance within the guideline on the treatment and management of depression in primary and secondary care
During September 2006 we wrote to consultees and commentators to advise them that the guidance on ECT was moving to the static list. Following this decision work on the guideline for the treatment and management of depression in primary and secondary care has begun.
Having re-looked at the guidance and the possible scope for a review, we believe that this topic would be better dealt with within the context of this clinical guideline. Consequently we propose that we update the original guidance within the on-going NICE guideline on the treatment and management of depression in primary and secondary care, which is currently due for release to the NHS during late summer 2009. The current guidance would stand until the time that the new guideline is issued to the NHS.
In order to be completely confident that this is appropriate, we are asking all relevant consultees and commentators, to inform us of any evidence which would suggest that a review would be beneficial. Please see Appendix A for a full list of the organisations we have contacted.
For information, the scope for the guideline on the treatment and management of depression in primary and secondary care is also out for consultation. Please see the NICE website for further details.
Please note all comments received on this proposal will be published on the Institute’s website when a decision has been taken.
6 September 2007
This page was last updated: 30 December 2010