Guide to using the resource impact template
Access to hybrid closed loop systems will be through a 5-year phased roll out in line with NHS England's and NHS Wales’ implementation plans. Hybrid closed loop systems will be commissioned via NHS England or NHS providers in line with the 5-year strategy. For enquiries about cost-effective pricing contact
The inputs and eligible population tabs
- The overall population for both the adult and children population groups is based on Office for National Statistics (ONS) population estimates. This may differ to what is recorded on GP registers, you can amend the population to your local population if this is different to the ONS figure. This would be entered in cell E16 on both the adults and children input tabs.
- The eligible population is based on the 2021/22 national diabetes audit. Users can enter their local eligible population if known in cell F32 on both the adults and children input tabs.
- If users want to account for potential growth in either the total population or prevalence of diabetes these can be entered in cells E18 and E19 on both the adults and children input tabs.
- Due to the way in which charging contracts may be in place for hybrid closed loop systems, users can split the % in use by whether they are charged on an annual basis for the full system or by the pump plus the component parts in the adults input tab. These are also used in the calculations for children.
- Users are required to enter the number for each technology used per year. This will be used for calculating the cost of the technology within the unit costs tab. These are only entered in the adults tab and will also be used in the calculations for children.
- Users are required to enter the split of use by each technology in rows 65 to 69 for adults and rows 60 to 64 for children.
- Capacity requirements for adults and children are calculated from rows 80 onwards. The staff type is from a drop-down list and once entered this will return the hourly rate calculated for this grade of staff in the payscales tab.
The unit costs tab
- Users have the option to enter the price from different suppliers in columns F to I. To derive a weighted average cost the % of people expected to use the technology from each supplier is required to be entered in columns J to M. Each of these will return an error if the total %s do not equal 100%. The exception for this is the use of the different types of sensors as the split of the 14-day sensor and 10-day sensor use together are required to equal 100%.
Financial impact adults and financial impact children tabs
- Users can enter for those currently on a hybrid closed loop system the proposed year in which the change to new hybrid loop system will take place on row 26 for adults and row 22 for children.
If any assistance is required to help populate this template or there are any suggested changes you would like us to make to the template, please email
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