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Showing 261 to 270 of 312

Guidance in topic selection
TitleTechnology typeDecisionDecision date
PLASMA system for electrovaporisation of the prostate (MT597) (MIB274)DeviceNot selected
MMprofiler for prognostic risk classification in multiple myeloma (MT623) (MIB270)DiagnosticNot selected
AI in retinal scanning MT524 (MIB265)DeviceNot selected
Acumen IQ sensor MT616 (MIB266)DeviceNot selected
CT guided fibrin glue sealing of CSf leak to treat spontaneous intracranial hypotensionProcedureNot selected
microINR for anticoagulation therapy MT592 (MIB257)DeviceNot selected
Woundexpress MT602 (MIB261)DeviceNot selected
MTEP - Routing Butterfly IQ ultrasound scanner MT635 (MIB254)DeviceNot selected
PROPEL (mometasone furoate implant, 370ug) MT578 (MIB253)DeviceNot selected
RenalSense Clarity RMS for acute kidney injury MT601 (MIB256)DeviceNot selected

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