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Showing 281 to 290 of 307

Guidance in topic selection
TitleTechnology typeDecisionDecision date
FebriDx for C-reactive protein and myxovirus resistance protein A testingDeviceNot selected
Helge for detecting haemolysisDeviceNot selected
Miniature lens system implantation for advanced age-related macular degenerationProcedureFurther information required
Archimedes for biopsy of suspected lung cancerDeviceNot selected
Actim Pancreatitis for diagnosing acute pancreatitisDeviceAwaiting decision
CFHealthHub for managing cystic fibrosis during the COVID 19 pandemicDeviceNot selected
PCONUS2 Bifurcation Aneurysm Implant for complex intracranial aneurysmsDeviceNot selected
MolecuLight i:X for wound imagingDeviceNot selected
Nitisinone for treating alkaptonuria [ID2691]MedicineNot selected
Cor-Knot for tying suture knots in valve surgeryDeviceNot selected

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