Asthma: objective tests
Resource impact statement
The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of asthma on or after (start date) with a record of an objective test between 3 months before or 3 months after diagnosis.
Resource impact
The previous indicator IND187 was as follows:
The percentage of patients with asthma on the register (start date) with a record of spirometry and one other objective test (FeNO or reversibility or variability) between 3 months before or 3 months after diagnosis.
Indicator IND272 updates and replaces IND187, which specified which objective tests should be used to confirm asthma diagnosis. This indicator allows the full range of possible tests to be used following stakeholder feedback on the availability of FeNO and spirometry, and variation in patient characteristics.
This indicator is, therefore, intended to widen the choice of tests available to clinicians and is not expected to lead to a significant resource impact.
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