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Showing 226 to 250 of 264

List of published indicators
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Alcohol use: brief intervention for people with SMIIND200
Lipids disorders: FH assessment (29 years and under)IND203
Asthma: smoking status (under 19)IND189
Asthma: registerIND186
Contraception: LARC for people using emergency contraceptionIND149
Multiple long-term conditions: falls risk assessmentIND208
Multiple long-term conditions: medication reviewIND207
Multiple long-term conditions: frailty registerIND206
Multiple long-term conditions: falls prevention adviceIND209
Multiple long-term conditions: multimorbidity registerIND205
Dementia: target organ damage (all patients)IND118
Atrial fibrillation: registerIND185
Pregnancy and neonates: postnatal mental healthIND178
Diabetes: NDH annual HbA1c or FPG testIND172
Autism: registerIND175
Diabetes: NDH diabetes prevention programmeIND171
Diabetes: NDH registerIND170
Diabetes: gestational diabetes annual HbA1c testIND173
Screening: cervical screening (25 to 49 years)IND176
Screening: cervical screening (50 to 64 years)IND177
Pregnancy: 10-week booking appointmentIND62
Diabetes: suspended from retinal screeningIND70
Immunisation: flu vaccine for people with diabetesIND163
Immunisation: flu vaccine for people with stroke or TIAIND164
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual cholesterolIND158

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