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Showing 51 to 100 of 264

List of published indicators
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Diabetes: suspended from retinal screeningIND70
Diabetes: did not attend retinal screeningIND68
Diabetes: annual eye screening (children)IND53
Diabetes: annual urinary albumin (children)IND52
Diabetes: annual BMI (children)IND50
Diabetes: annual blood pressure (children)IND51
Diabetes: annual HbA1c (children)IND49
Diabetes: annual care processes (children)IND48
Hip fracture: admission ratesIND17
Hip fracture: composite care processesIND16
Hip fracture: surgery on the day or day after admissionIND14
Hip fracture: formal hip fracture programme from admissionIND13
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: 6 physical health checksIND248
Atrial fibrillation: DOACs and Vitamin K antagonistsIND247
Weight management: referral to weight management programmes for obesity (co-existing hypertension or diabetes)IND221
Weight management: referral to weight management programmes for obesityIND220
Weight management: overweight registerIND237
Weight management: obesity registerIND238
Smoking: support and treatment (all patients)IND99
Peripheral arterial disease: blood pressure (80 years and over)IND246
Kidney conditions: CKD and blood pressure when ACR less than 70IND235
Kidney conditions: CKD – eGFR and ACRIND234
Kidney conditions: CKD and eGFRIND233
Kidney conditions: eGFR for long-term NSAID useIND232
Stroke and ischaemic attack: blood pressure (80 years and over)IND244
Stroke and ischaemic attack: blood pressure (79 years and under)IND243
Hypertension: blood pressure (80 years and over)IND240
Hypertension: blood pressure (79 years and under)IND239
Peripheral arterial disease: blood pressure (79 years and under)IND245
Epilepsy: annual reviewIND227
Angina and coronary heart disease: blood pressure (80 years and over)IND242
Angina and coronary heart disease: blood pressure (79 years and under)IND241
Diabetes: annual albumin creatinine testIND111
Depression and anxiety: biopsychosocial assessment at diagnosisIND103
Depression and anxiety: review within 10 to 35 daysIND104
Diabetes: asking about erectile dysfunctionIND105
Diabetes: advice for erectile dysfunctionIND106
Diabetes: thyroid disease screening (children)IND56
Depression and anxiety: recovery following talking therapiesIND26
Diabetes: ACEi or ARBsIND134
Diabetes: annual retinal screeningIND137
Contraception: advice for people taking anti-seizure medicationIND78
Epilepsy: seizure free in preceding 12 monthsIND145
Contraception: advice for people with epilepsyIND117
Smoking: smoking status for people with long-term conditionsIND97
Diabetes: complicationsIND9
Diabetes: annual dietary reviewIND89
Diabetes: referral for structured educationIND88
Diabetes: HbA1c 75 mmol/molIND180
Diabetes: HbA1c 58 mmol/molIND179

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