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Showing 151 to 200 of 264

List of published indicators
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Smoking: support and treatment for people with bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychosesIND155
Myocardial infarction: medication for MI in preceding 12 monthsIND125
Diabetes: annual foot examination (children)IND54
Hypertension: brief intervention to increase physical activityIND96
Hypertension: assessment of physical activityIND95
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual blood pressureIND84
Peripheral arterial disease: antiplateletsIND94
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual BMI recordingIND83
Peripheral arterial disease: registerIND93
Osteoporosis: registerIND90
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual record of alcohol consumptionIND82
COPD: referral for pulmonary rehabilitationIND6
Cancer: lung cancer stage at diagnosisIND5
Stroke and ischaemic attack: 4-hour swallowing assessmentIND36
COPD: registerIND190
Asthma: objective testsIND187
Kidney conditions: AKI registerIND174
Diabetes: annual examination of foot sensationIND160
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual blood glucose or HbA1cIND159
Hip fracture: falls risk assessmentIND15
Contraception: LARC for people on oral or patch contraceptivesIND148
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: care planningIND143
Immunisation: flu vaccine for people with COPDIND141
Dementia: care planningIND142
Hypothyroidism: annual thyroid function testIND139
Hypothyroidism: registerIND138
Angina and coronary heart disease: anti-platelet or anticoagulationIND132
Stroke and ischaemic attack: anti-platelet or anticoagulationIND133
Immunisation: flu vaccine for people with CHDIND131
Atrial fibrillation: current treatment with anticoagulationIND128
Myocardial infarction: medication for MI more than 12 months agoIND126
Hypertension: haematuria for target organ damageIND122
Hypertension: urinary albumin for target organ damageIND121
Learning disabilities: registerIND119
Contraception: advice for people with diabetesIND116
Hypertension: confirming diagnosis with HBPM or ABPMIND115
Dementia: named carerIND114
Cancer: 3-month reviewIND113
Cardiovascular disease prevention: blood pressure measurement every 5 yearsIND112
Rheumatoid arthritis: annual reviewIND110
Rheumatoid arthritis: fracture risk assessmentIND109
Rheumatoid arthritis: cardiovascular risk assessmentIND108
Rheumatoid arthritis: registerIND107
Heart failure: referral for cardiac rehabilitationIND102
COPD: offered pulmonary rehabilitationIND101
Cancer: stage at diagnosis recordedIND2
Hypertension: ECG for target organ damageIND123
Alcohol use: brief intervention for people with hypertensionIND197
Heart failure: mortality within 12 months of admissionIND8

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