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Showing 201 to 225 of 264

List of published indicators
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Atrial fibrillation: admission rates (stroke, not on anticoagulation)IND39
Atrial fibrillation: admission rates (stroke, on anticoagulation)IND38
Cancer: detected at stage 1 or 2 (all cancer)IND3
Immunisation: shinglesIND219
Immunisation: DTaP (8 months)IND215
Immunisation: MMR (5 years)IND218
Immunisation: DTaP/IPV and MMR (5 years)IND217
Immunisation: MMR (18 months)IND216
Cancer: review within 3 monthsIND222
Cancer: review within 12 monthsIND223
Heart failure: beta blockersIND194
Heart failure: annual reviewIND195
COPD: oxygen saturation recordingIND212
Alcohol use: risk assessment for people with depression or anxietyIND198
Heart Failure: ACEi or ARBsIND193
Heart failure: confirmation of diagnosisIND192
Alcohol use: brief intervention for people with depression or anxietyIND199
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: target organ damageIND86
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: lithium levels in therapeutic rangeIND87
Osteoporosis: bone sparing agents (50-74 years)IND91
HIV: testing at registrationIND210
HIV: routine blood testsIND211
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: cervical screening (50 to 64 years)IND214
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: cervical screening (25 to 49 years)IND213
Lipids disorders: FH assessment (30 years and over)IND204

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