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Showing 1 to 25 of 162

List of published indicators
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Cardiovascular disease prevention: risk assessment (modifiable risk factors)IND270
Cardiovascular disease prevention: cholesterol treatment target (secondary prevention)IND268
Learning disabilities: health checks, action plans and ethnicityIND266
Learning disabilities: health checks and action plansIND265
Cancer: faecal immunochemical testingIND267
Stroke and ischaemic attack: registerIND259
Coronary heart disease: registerIND251
Hypertension: registerIND255
Heart failure: registerIND254
Lipid disorders: FH assessment and diagnosis (historical readings)IND260
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: registerIND257
Cancer: registerIND250
Epilepsy: registerIND253
Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: register (lithium therapy)IND256
Dementia: registerIND252
Diabetes: blood pressure (without moderate or severe frailty)IND249
GP services: palliative care registerIND258
Smoking: smoking status of people with bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychosesIND154
Cardiovascular disease prevention: statins for people newly diagnosed with hypertension or T2DMIND162
Cardiovascular disease prevention: primary prevention with lipid lowering therapiesIND229
Kidney conditions: CKD and lipid lowering therapiesIND231
Cardiovascular disease prevention: primary prevention with lifestyle changesIND228
Cardiovascular disease prevention: secondary prevention with lipid lowering therapiesIND230
Diabetes: statins for primary prevention of CVD (40 years and over)IND183
Diabetes: statins for primary prevention of CVD (T2DM and 10% risk)IND182

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