We’ve partnered with the USA-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) and the Canadian Drug Agency (CDA-AMC) to establish the Health Economics Methods Advisory (HEMA), a new international initiative to research and assess health technology assessment (HTA) methods.

HEMA’s aim is to critically and independently research some of the most pressing topics in global health economics and health technology assessment methods. The collaboration brings together leading research experts and academics in health economics. A steering committee of patient representatives and life sciences professionals from the three countries will guide the selection and prioritisation of research topics.

HEMA has three main goals:

  • examine selected topics including potential benefits, disadvantages, and uncertainties associated with methods

  • provide guidance and recommendations to the HTA community

  • co-ordinate publications such as white papers, peer-reviewed article, workshops and webinars.

This partnership strengthens our position at the forefront of HTA methodology development and demonstrates our commitment to working with international partners to improve healthcare decision-making.

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