NICE welcomes Dr Michael Borowitz as new NICE non-executive director
New NICE non-executive director appointment approved by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

NICE is pleased to welcome Dr. Michael Borowitz as a new non-executive director to its Board. Dr Borowitz has been appointed for 4 years from 19 September 2022.
I am delighted to be joining NICE as a non-executive director, an organisation that has for more than two decades demonstrated a significant impact on health and wellbeing. I look forward to working with the organisation as it continues to make complex decisions that strike a balance between effectiveness and the best use of public funding. The work it does to help the NHS and delivering maximum value to the taxpayer is as important as ever.
Dr Borowitz has been a senior health economist at the Global Fund, the World Bank, the OECD, and in the British and US governments. He has long-standing interest in pharmaco-economics and health technology assessment and did his doctoral dissertation on the implementation of clinical guidelines. He is currently working at the Global Fund on the Secretariat for the Sustainable Financing for Health (SFHA) Accelerator. He has more than 30 years of experience in global health and development and is well-known as an expert in health financing and health systems.
I am delighted to welcome Dr Borowitz to our Board. The wealth of experience and knowledge he brings will be an enormous asset as we implement our new strategy and ensure we make the most of innovation and identify transformational care for the benefit of patients.
The appointment will involve a time commitment of 2 to 3 days per month and was made in accordance with the Cabinet Office Code of Governance for Public Appointments.