Recommendation ID

What is the most effective technological solution for minimising wrong implant selection during joint replacement surgery?

Any explanatory notes
(if applicable)

Why the committee made the recommendations

The committee's recommendations were based on their experience and expertise. They reasoned that 2 'stop moments', when theatre staff stop other activity and formally inspect each implant component, would ensure that all components are compatible. The second stop moment provides an extra opportunity to correct an implant selection error before closure. The committee agreed that intraoperative real-time data entry could be considered as a further means of ensuring that mismatched components are identified before implantation. They also agreed that technological solutions might help avoid implant selection errors and made a recommendation for research.

How the recommendations might affect practice

Intraoperative 'stop moments' to check implant components before implantation are common and are not expected to change current practice. Intraoperative real-time data entry is not current practice and, if implemented, is likely to increase theatre time.

Source guidance details

Comes from guidance
Joint replacement (primary): hip, knee and shoulder
Date issued
June 2020

Other details

Is this a recommendation for the use of a technology only in the context of research? No  
Is it a recommendation that suggests collection of data or the establishment of a register?   No  
Last Reviewed 01/06/2020