Recommendation ID
NICE encourages further research into the efficacy of MRI-guided transcutaneous focused ultrasound for uterine fibroids. Research studies should report long-term outcomes, including the need for further treatment. Data on the incidence and outcomes of subsequent pregnancy in patients who choose this procedure because they wish to maintain or improve their fertility are particularly important.
Any explanatory notes
(if applicable)
Current evidence on the efficacy of magnetic resonance image (MRI)-guided transcutaneous focused ultrasound for uterine fibroids in the short term is adequate, although further treatment may be required and the effect on subsequent pregnancy is uncertain. There are well-recognised complications but the evidence on safety is adequate to support the use of this procedure provided that normal arrangements are in place for clinical governance and audit.

Source guidance details

Comes from guidance
Magnetic resonance image-guided transcutaneous focused ultrasound for uterine fibroids
Date issued
November 2011

Other details

Is this a recommendation for the use of a technology only in the context of research? No  
Is it a recommendation that suggests collection of data or the establishment of a register?   No