Recommendation ID
What are the long-term benefits and harms, and cost effectiveness of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) compared with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in adults with suspected common bile duct stones?
Any explanatory notes
(if applicable)
MRCP and EUS have both been found to be sufficiently accurate for diagnosing common bile duct stones, with EUS regarded as the most accurate test. MRCP is non-invasive and so carries negligible risks to the patient. However, EUS carries a small but significant risk of patient harms, including death. There is insufficient evidence available to determine whether the benefits of improved diagnosis associated with EUS outweigh its procedural risks. Therefore, research is needed to compare MRCP with EUS to evaluate the subsequent management of common bile duct stones.

Source guidance details

Comes from guidance
Gallstone disease: diagnosis and management
Date issued
October 2014

Other details

Is this a recommendation for the use of a technology only in the context of research? No  
Is it a recommendation that suggests collection of data or the establishment of a register?   No  
Last Reviewed 27/11/2014