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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 7726 to 7740 of 7767 results

  1. NICE launches refreshed support service for life sciences industry

    NICE has launched its refreshed support service for the life sciences sector, NICE Advice.

  2. NICE launches first modular update to its methods and processes

    NICE’s methods and processes now include a proportionate approach to technology appraisals, and a new way of updating recommendations on COVID-19 treatments.

  3. NICE recommended treatment for Parkinson's set to benefit hundreds

    Around 900 adults with advanced Parkinson’s are set to benefit from new treatment foslevodopa–foscarbidopa after NICE approved it for NHS use in final draft guidance published today (26 October 2023).

  4. More evidence needed to recommend Type 2 diabetes treatment tirzepatide

    More evidence is needed on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a new treatment option for people with type 2 diabetes before it could be recommended for NHS use

  5. People who have had a stroke should be offered additional rehabilitation

    People who have had a stroke and who have continuing impairment or limitations on their activities should be offered additional rehabilitation to help them recover

  6. New treatment for acute migraine set to benefit thousands

    The first in a new class of treatment to be recommended by NICE for treating acute migraine will soon be available on the NHS to around 13,000 people.

  7. Adapted shoes recommended for people with severe osteoarthritis

    People with osteoarthritis who are eligible for knee surgery could be offered specially adapted shoes to help with their painful and stiff knees following a draft recommendation by NICE.

  8. 3 treatments for COVID-19 recommended in draft guidance

    Three treatments for COVID have been recommended in draft NICE guidance released today for public consultation.

  9. Targeted treatment for rare form of aggressive lung cancer gets NICE approval

    Mobocertinib recommended as a treatment for a rare and aggressive form of lung cancer

  10. New life-extending treatment for rare forms of advanced gastroesophageal cancer

    Around 3,000 people could be eligible for a new life-extending combination therapy to treat rare forms of gastroesophageal cancer after NICE published final draft guidance today (24 November 2022).

  11. Ground-breaking CAR-T therapy to treat aggressive form of blood cancer approved

    More than 400 people set to benefit after NICE recommends first personalised immunotherapy for lymphoma.

  12. NICE welcomes new senior executive team appointments

    New Chief Medical Officer, Chief People Officer and Director of Implementation and Partnerships appointed by NICE.

  13. Statins a choice for more people to reduce risk of heart attacks and strokes

    New evidence on the safety of statins means more people could benefit from them, new NICE draft guidance says.

  14. Better research, faster: NIHR launch new funding call

    In April 2021, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) launched a new rolling funding call for studies addressing NICE research recommendations.

  15. NICE gets ready to assess new dementia treatments

    NICE’s methods and processes for evaluating new treatments for use in the NHS are appropriate for the new class of Alzheimer’s drugs but key issues need to be considered, a new report has found.