Cyanoacrylate glue for hernia mesh fixation (MT707)
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The Insides System chyme reinfusion system (MT682)
d-NAV for optimization of personal insulin management in adults with type 2 diabetes (MT696)
TUC Safety Valve to prevent balloon inflation in the urethra during transurethral catheterisation (MT512)
Lumella Pre-Eclampsia point-of-care test for assessing pre-eclampsia risk (MT687)
Jada, (MT826)
Urolon, (MT821)
BPMpathway for rehabilitation support in joint replacement surgery, (MIB319)
LIVERFASt for diagnosing and staging liver injury and chronic liver disease, (MT783)
iQoro neuromuscular training device, (MT809)
Spectra Optia for plasma exchange, (MT828)
Electrosurgery (diathermy and coblation) for tonsillectomy, (IP324/2)
O2Matic pro 100 (MT746)
Signatera molecular residual disease assay (MT741)
Stockholm3 blood test for prostate cancer, (MT734),