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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 6106 to 6120 of 7711 results

  1. Women with breast cancer:- What is the safety and effectiveness of alternatives to systemic HRT as treatments for menopausal symptoms in women who have had treatment for breast cancer?

    Recommendation ID NG23/1 Question Women with breast cancer:- What is the safety and effectiveness of alternatives to systemic HRT as treatments

  2. Effects of HRT on dementia risk:- What are the effects of early HRT use on the risk of dementia?

    Recommendation ID NG23/4 Question Effects of HRT on dementia risk:- What are the effects of early HRT use on the risk of dementia?

  3. Longer health and social care contacts: What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of longer health and social care contacts compared with usual care for people experiencing homelessness?

    Recommendation ID NG214/03 Question Longer health and social care contacts: What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of longer

  4. Supporting mental health of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children: What interventions are effective in supporting the mental health of unaccompanied asylumseeking children?

    Recommendation ID NG205/03 Question Supporting mental health of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children: What interventions are effective

  5. Interventions to support placement stability in residential care: What interventions are effective in promoting placement stability among looked-after children and young people in residential care?

    Recommendation ID NG205/01 Question Interventions to support placement stability in residential care: What interventions are effective

  6. Sustaining shared decision making: What interventions are most effective at transferring shared decision-making skills between people and departments, and in sustaining the implementation of shared decision making in an organisation and in clinical teams?

    Recommendation ID NG197/3 Question Sustaining shared decision making: What interventions are most effective at transferring shared decision-making

  7. Managing breakthrough pain:- What is the acceptability, safety, and effectiveness of different types of opioid analgesia for breakthrough pain in children and young people with life-limiting conditions who are having end of life care in the community?

    Recommendation ID NG61/4 Question Managing breakthrough pain:- What is the acceptability, safety, and effectiveness of different types

  8. Psychological interventions: What is the effectiveness of specific psychological interventions including digital compared with face-to-face (technology use) in different populations and settings?

    Recommendation ID NG225/04 Question Psychological interventions: What is the effectiveness of specific psychological interventions including

  9. Aids to support withdrawal: What is the effectiveness of equipment, technologies, practical aids and medicine formulations in supporting people to manage dose reductions, compared with usual practice?

    Recommendation ID NG215/11 Question Aids to support withdrawal: What is the effectiveness of equipment, technologies, practical aids and

  10. The use of C-peptide in diagnosing diabetes: What is the effectiveness of C‑peptide at correcting misclassification of diabetes diagnosis and what is the optimal timing for the test in distinguishing subtypes of diabetes?

    Recommendation ID NG17/02 Question The use of C-peptide in diagnosing diabetes: What is the effectiveness of C‑peptide at correcting misclassification

  11. Dedicated key workers: What is the effectiveness of dedicated key workers for delivering joined-up services to meet the education, health and social care needs of disabled children and young people with severe complex needs?

    Recommendation ID NG213/03 Question Dedicated key workers: What is the effectiveness of dedicated key workers for delivering joined-up

  12. Mental health support for reunification with birth parents: What is the effectiveness of mental health support for promoting reunification with birth parents?

    Recommendation ID NG205/05 Question Mental health support for reunification with birth parents: What is the effectiveness of mental health

  13. Hormonal and hormone-modifying treatment option: What is the effectiveness of hormone-modifying agents in the treatment of acne vulgaris?

    Recommendation ID NG198/8 Question Hormonal and hormone-modifying treatment option: What is the effectiveness of hormone-modifying agents