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Community engagement: improving health and wellbeing (QS148)
This quality standard covers community engagement approaches to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities, and initiatives to change behaviours that harm people’s health. This includes building on the strengths and capabilities of communities, helping them to identify their needs and working with them to design and deliver initiatives and improve equity.
This quality standard covers managing osteoporosis in adults (aged 18 and over), including assessing risk and preventing fragility fractures. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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This quality standard covers improving the quality of the patient experience for people who use adult NHS services. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS15
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Empathy, dignity and respect
- Quality statement 2: Contacts for ongoing care
- Quality statement 3: Information exchange
- Quality statement 4: Individualised care
- Quality statement 5: Preferences for sharing information
- Quality statement 6: Decision making
- Update information
This quality standard covers diagnostic reporting and the organisation of haematological cancer services for people of all ages (children, adults and young people) and managing haematological cancers in adults and young people (aged 16 and over). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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This quality standard covers oral health, including dental health and daily mouth care, for adults in care homes (with and without nursing provision). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children and young people (QS112)
This quality standard covers managing symptoms of reflux (regurgitation or bringing up feeds) in babies, children and young people (under 18). It also covers diagnosing and managing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (also called GORD), which is more severe reflux and heartburn. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS112
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Information about gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) in infants
- Quality statement 2: Breast-fed infants – feeding assessment
- Quality statement 3: Formula-fed infants – stepped-care approach
- Quality statement 4: Alginate therapy
- Quality statement 5: Symptoms that do not need investigation or treatment
- Quality statement 6: Acid-suppressing drugs
- Quality statement 7: Upper gastrointestinal (GI) contrast study
Preventing excess winter deaths and illness associated with cold homes (QS117)
This quality standard covers reducing the health risks (including preventable deaths) associated with cold homes. It includes identifying people at risk who are particularly vulnerable to the cold, such as young children, older people, and people with cardiovascular disease or mental health problems. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS117
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Year-round planning to identify vulnerable local populations
- Quality statement 2: Identifying people vulnerable to health problems associated with a cold home
- Quality statement 3: Single-point-of-contact health and housing referral service
- Quality statement 4: Asking people about keeping warm at home
- Quality statement 5: Identifying people vulnerable to health problems associated with cold homes on admission
- Quality statement 6: Discharge plan
- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers diagnosing, assessing and managing food allergy in children and young people (under 19) and adults. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS118Show all sections
Sections for QS118
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Allergy-focused clinical history
- Quality statement 2: Diagnosing IgE-mediated food allergy
- Quality statement 3: Diagnosing non-IgE-mediated food allergy
- Quality statement 4: Referral to secondary or specialist care
- Quality statement 5 (placeholder): Diagnosing food allergy in adults
- Quality statement 6 (placeholder): Nutritional support for food allergy
- Update information
This quality standard covers preventing dementia, and assessment, management and health and social care support for people with dementia. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS184Show all sections
Sections for QS184
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Raising awareness – health promotion interventions
- Quality statement 2: Diagnosis
- Quality statement 3: Advance care planning
- Quality statement 4: Coordinating care
- Quality statement 5: Activities to promote wellbeing
- Quality statement 6: Managing distress
- Quality statement 7: Supporting carers
This quality standard covers assessing and managing hearing loss in adults (aged 18 and over). It includes people presenting with hearing loss for the first time in adulthood whether it started in adulthood or earlier. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS185
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Earwax removal
- Quality statement 2: Sudden onset of hearing loss
- Quality statement 3: Rapid worsening of hearing loss
- Quality statement 4: Audiological assessment
- Quality statement 5: Provision of hearing aids
- Quality statement 6: Follow-up audiology appointment
- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing Lyme disease in people of all ages. It also includes raising public awareness about prevention. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse (QS188)
This quality standard covers the assessment, management and care provided for people aged 14 and over who have coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
This quality standard covers the management of Parkinson’s disease in adults. It does not include treatment of parkinsonism not caused by Parkinson’s disease. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS164Show all sections
Sections for QS164
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Point of contact with specialist services
- Quality statement 2: Information about impulse control disorders
- Quality statement 3: Referral to physiotherapy, occupational therapy or speech and language therapy
- Quality statement 4: Levodopa in hospital or a care home
- Quality statement 5: Access to clozapine for treating hallucinations and delusions
- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers the prevention or delay of harmful use of drugs by children, young people and adults most likely to start using drugs, or already experimenting or using drugs occasionally. This includes illegal psychoactive substances, solvents, volatile substances, image- and performance-enhancing drugs, prescription-only medicines and over-the-counter medicines. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS165Show all sections
Sections for QS165
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Assessment of looked-after children and young people
- Quality statement 2: Assessment of care leavers
- Quality statement 3: Assessment of children and young people in contact with youth offending services
- Quality statement 4: Information and advice for adults
- Update information
- About this quality standard
This quality standard covers assessing and managing trauma (complex fractures, non-complex fractures, major trauma and spinal injury) in adults, young people and children. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS166