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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 5776 to 5790 of 7707 results

  1. Which participatory approaches are most effective and cost effective among populations at higher risk of type 2 diabetes? This should consider the awareness, knowledge, understanding and skills of the providers of interventions for people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

    Recommendation ID PH35/3 Question Which participatory approaches are most effective and cost effective among populations at higher risk

  2. Same-day hospital specialist assessment: Which people with extreme hypertension (220/120 mmHg or higher) or emergency symptoms should be referred for same-day hospital specialist assessment?

    Recommendation ID NG136/06 Question Same-day hospital specialist assessment: Which people with extreme hypertension (220/120 mmHg or higher)

  3. Primary care-led assessment models:- Which primary care-led models of assessment of people with a suspected medical emergency in the community, such as GP home visits, are most clinically and cost effective? [See the evidence review on GP-led home visits.]

    Recommendation ID NG94/8 Question Primary care-led assessment models:- Which primary care-led models of assessment of people with a suspected

  4. Signs and symptoms of Kawasaki disease: Which signs and symptoms (or combinations of signs and symptoms) predict a diagnosis of Kawasaki disease in children under 5 presenting with fever lasting 5 days or more?

    Recommendation ID NG143/08 Question Signs and symptoms of Kawasaki disease: Which signs and symptoms (or combinations of signs and symptoms)

  5. What is the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of the whole family approach to carers' assessments?

    Recommendation ID NG150/1 Question What is the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of the whole family approach to carers'

  6. What is the efficacy and cost effectiveness of rehabilitation services compared with treatment as usual for people with complex psychosis with residual disability, who are leaving early intervention services?

    Recommendation ID NG181/1 Question What is the efficacy and cost effectiveness of rehabilitation services compared with treatment as usual

  7. Holistic assessment in the community:- What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of a community holistic assessment and intervention for people living with high levels of multimorbidity?

    Recommendation ID NG56/2 Question Holistic assessment in the community:- What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of a community holistic

  8. What is the differential impact of interventions that aim to reduce unintended conception and abortion rates among young people aged under 25 years on subgroups of socially disadvantaged young people?

    Recommendation ID PH51/4 Question What is the differential impact of interventions that aim to reduce unintended conception and abortion

  9. Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of drug misuse prevention interventions for groups vulnerable to drug misuse:- What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of drug misuse prevention interventions for groups vulnerable to drug misuse in the UK?

    Recommendation ID NG64/3 Question Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of drug misuse prevention interventions for groups vulnerable to

  10. Supporting people to plan for the future: What is the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early, preventative support for people with complex needs?

    Recommendation ID NG216/03 Question Supporting people to plan for the future: What is the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early

  11. Educational intervention to improve healthcare professionals' awareness of spondyloarthritis:- What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of educational interventions for healthcare professionals in order to increase the number of prompt diagnoses of spondyloarthritis?

    Recommendation ID NG65/3 Question Educational intervention to improve healthcare professionals' awareness of spondyloarthritis:- What is

  12. What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of endoscopic variceal band ligation plus a non-selective beta-blocker compared with either of these interventions alone for preventing variceal bleeding in adults with cirrhosis and medium or large oesophageal varices?

    Recommendation ID NG50/1 Question What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of endoscopic variceal band ligation plus a non-selective