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Showing 16 to 30 of 238 results for maternity

  1. Pregnancy and complex social factors: a model for service provision for pregnant women with complex social factors (CG110)

    This guideline covers antenatal care for all pregnant women with complex social factors (particularly alcohol or drug misuse, recent migrant or asylum seeker status, difficulty reading or speaking English, aged under 20, domestic abuse). It offers advice on improving access to care, maintaining contact with antenatal carers, and additional information and support for these women.

  2. Caesarean birth (NG192)

    This guideline covers when to offer and discuss caesarean birth, procedural aspects of the operation, and care after caesarean birth. It aims to improve the consistency and quality of care for women and pregnant people who are thinking about having a caesarean birth or have had a caesarean birth in the past and are now pregnant again.

  3. Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management

    plan to review the use of the paediatric early warning score (PEWS) and maternity early warning score (MEWS) tools, and consider making...

  4. Preterm labour and birth (QS135)

    This quality standard covers care for pregnant women who may be at risk of, or have symptoms and signs of, starting labour and giving birth early (preterm). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  5. Postnatal care (QS37)

    This quality standard covers routine postnatal care in the first 8 weeks after birth. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  6. Faltering growth (QS197)

    This quality standard covers recognising and managing faltering growth in babies (aged up to 1 year) and preschool children (aged over 1 year). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  7. Faecal incontinence in adults (QS54)

    This quality standard covers managing faecal (bowel) incontinence in adults (aged 18 and over) in the community (at home and in care homes) and in all hospital departments. It includes assessment of bowel control problems, advice and support, and treatment options. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  8. Postnatal care (NG194)

    This guideline covers the routine postnatal care that women and their babies should receive in the first 8 weeks after the birth. It includes the organisation and delivery of postnatal care, identifying and managing common and serious health problems in women and their babies, how to help parents form strong relationships with their babies, and baby feeding. The recommendations on emotional attachment and baby feeding also cover the antenatal period.

  9. Safe staffing for nursing in adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals (SG1)

    This guideline covers organisational and managerial approaches to safe nurse staffing of inpatient wards for people aged 18 and over in acute hospitals. It aims to ensure that patients receive the nursing care they need, regardless of the ward to which they are allocated, the time of the day, or the day of the week.

  10. Tobacco: treating dependence (QS207)

    This quality standard covers support and treatment to stop smoking and stop using smokeless tobacco, and harm-reduction approaches for people who are not ready to stop in one go. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  11. What is the relationship between midwifery staffing and outcomes in maternity settings in England, and what factors act as modifiers or confounders of the relationship between midwifery staffing and outcomes?

    What is the relationship between midwifery staffing and outcomes in maternity settings in England, and what factors act as modifiers or...

  12. Specialist care of newborns

    Part of NICEimpact maternity and neonatal care Previous: Maternity and mental health Next: Spotlight on valproate...

  13. What is the effectiveness of Birthrate Plus compared with other decision support methods or professional judgement for identifying safe midwifery staffing requirements and midwifery skill mix for maternity services in England?

    skill mix for maternity services in England? Any explanatory notes(if applicable) Birthrate Plus is widely used throughout...

  14. Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence (NG209)

    This guideline covers support to stop smoking for everyone aged 12 and over, and help to reduce people's harm from smoking if they are not ready to stop in one go. It also covers ways to prevent children, young people and young adults aged 24 and under from taking up smoking.

  15. Contraception (QS129)

    This quality standard covers contraception for women, including emergency contraception. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.