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Showing 31 to 45 of 141 results for copd
Recommendation ID NG115/11 Question Mucolytic therapy:- In people with COPD, does mucolytic drug therapy prevent exacerbations in...
Multidimensional assessment of outcomes- How can the individual factors associated with COPD prognosis (collected from a range of...
seasonal versus continuous prophylactic antibiotics for people with stable COPD who are at high risk of exacerbations? Any explanatory...
and cost effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics for people with stable COPD who are at high risk of exacerbations? Any explanatory...
This indicator covers the percentage of patients with moderate or severe frailty and/or multimorbidity who have received a medication review in the last 12 months which is structured, has considered the use of a recognised tool and taken place as a shared discussion. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM186
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on VIDAvision for lung volume analysis in emphysema .
antibiotics, doses and regimens of prophylactic antibiotics for people with stable COPD who are at high risk of exacerbations? Any...
Lung volume reduction surgery for advanced emphysema (IPG114)
Evidence-based recommendations on lung volume reduction surgery for treating advanced emphysema. This involves removing damaged lung tissue using a special stapling device, a laser, or both.
View recommendations for IPG114Show all sections
Sections for IPG114
The NICE real-world evidence framework aims to improve the quality of real-world evidence informing our guidance. The framework does not set minimum standards for the acceptability of evidence. The framework is mainly targeted at those developing evidence to inform NICE guidance. It is also relevant to patients, those collecting data, and reviewers of evidence
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- Overview
- Introduction to real-world evidence in NICE decision making
- Conduct of quantitative real-world evidence studies
- Assessing data suitability
- Methods for real-world studies of comparative effects
- Appendix 1 - Data Suitability Assessment Tool (DataSAT)
- Appendix 2 - Reporting on methods used to minimise risk of bias
- Appendix 3 - Reporting information for selected analytical methods
predict inhaled corticosteroid responsiveness most accurately in people with COPD? Any explanatory notes(if applicable) Why this is...
Home-testing devices for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome (DG62)
Evidence-based recommendations on home-testing devices for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome
safety and efficacy of endobronchial nerve ablation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is inadequate in...
Our health inequalities guidance supports strategies that improve population health as a whole, while offering particular benefit to the most disadvantaged
This quality standard covers the initial assessment and management of suspected acute respiratory infection in over 16s, including acute respiratory infection virtual wards.
View quality statements for QS210Show all sections
Sections for QS210
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Documented initial assessment
- Quality statement 2: Prescribing antimicrobials
- Quality statement 3: Antibiotic duration
- Quality statement 4: Information about acute respiratory infection virtual wards
- Quality statement 5: Multidisciplinary team
- Quality statement 6: Support to self-manage on a virtual ward
- Quality statement 7: Virtual ward discharge summaries
Question Pulmonary rehabilitation during hospital admission:- In people with COPD, does pulmonary rehabilitation during hospital...