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Showing 31 to 45 of 166 results for low back pain
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the Neo Pedicle Screw System for spinal fusion surgery .
Laparoscopic gastric plication for the treatment of severe obesity (IPG432)
Evidence-based recommendations on laparoscopic gastric plication for the treatment of morbid obesity. This involves folding the stomach in on itself and stitching it together to reduce its volume.
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details of the technique used for treatment. Outcome measures should include pain relief and quality of life. Long-term follow-up data...
Community pharmacies: promoting health and wellbeing (NG102)
This guideline covers how community pharmacies can help maintain and improve people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing, including people with a long-term condition. It aims to encourage more people to use community pharmacies by integrating them within existing health and care pathways and ensuring they offer standard services and a consistent approach. It requires a collaborative approach from individual pharmacies and their representatives, local authorities and other commissioners.
Percutaneous intradiscal laser ablation in the lumbar spine (IPG357)
Evidence-based recommendations on percutaneous intradiscal laser ablation in the lumbar spine. This involves using a laser to destroy part of the disc, with the aim of shrinking it.
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Evoke Spinal Cord Stimulator for managing chronic neuropathic or ischaemic pain (MIB238)
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on Evoke Spinal Cord Stimulator for managing chronic neuropathic or ischaemic pain .
Cerebral palsy in under 25s: assessment and management (NG62)
This guideline covers diagnosing, assessing and managing cerebral palsy in children and young people from birth up to their 25th birthday. It aims to make sure they get the care and treatment they need for the developmental and clinical comorbidities associated with cerebral palsy, so that they can be as active and independent as possible.
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of opioids for the management of acute sciatica?
did not improve sciatica symptoms, and oral corticosteroids did not improve pain or function, but may have an impact on quality of life....
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of antidepressants for the management of sciatica?
did not improve sciatica symptoms, and oral corticosteroids did not improve pain or function, but may have an impact on quality of life....
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of opioids for the management of acute sciatica?
applicable) Source guidance details Comes from guidance Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management Number
This quality standard covers managing medicines safely and effectively in care homes. It includes processes for prescribing, handling and administering medicines for adults, young people, and children living in care homes. It also includes providing care and support relating to medicines. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
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Sections for QS85
This guidance has been updated and replaced by NICE guideline NG59.
used. Source guidance details Comes from guidance Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management Number
This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for acute otitis media (ear infection). It aims to limit antibiotic use and reduce antimicrobial resistance. Acute otitis media can be caused by viruses or bacteria. It lasts for about a week, and most children get better in 3 days without antibiotics. Serious complications are rare.
Percutaneous intradiscal electrothermal therapy for low back pain (IPG319)
This guidance has been updated and replaced by NICE interventional procedure guidance 544.