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Showing 76 to 81 of 81 results for cholesterol
CG181/4 | What is the effectiveness of statins and/or other LDL-cholesterol-lowering treatment in people with type 1 diabetes?
This manual explains the processes and methods used to develop and update NICE guidelines, the guidance that NICE develops covering topics across clinical care (in primary, secondary and community care settings), social care and public health. For more information on the other types of NICE guidance and advice (including technology appraisal guidance), see about NICE
Statins a choice for more people to reduce risk of heart attacks and strokes
New evidence on the safety of statins means more people could benefit from them, new NICE draft guidance says.
New treatment for cardiovascular disease could benefit millions
Up to 2.1 million people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) could benefit from a new cholesterol target outlined in NICE guidance for the first time.
Hundreds of thousands set to benefit from new treatment to prevent heart attacks and strokes
NICE has published final draft guidance which recommends icosapent ethyl for reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes in adults who have raised blood fats.
New treatment option for adults with obesity and non-diabetic hyperglycaemia
All eligibility criteria must be met for Liraglutide to be offered.