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Showing 1 to 15 of 352 results for depression
This guideline covers identifying, treating and managing depression in people aged 18 and over. It recommends treatments for first episodes of depression and further-line treatments, and provides advice on preventing relapse, and managing chronic depression, psychotic depression and depression with a coexisting diagnosis of personality disorder.
This quality standard covers the clinical assessment and management of depression in adults aged 18 and over. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS8Show all sections
Sections for QS8
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Assessment
- Quality statement 2: Discussing treatment options
- Quality statement 3: Preventing relapse
- Quality statement 4: Stopping antidepressants
- Quality statement 5: Access to services for adults from minority ethnic backgrounds
- Update information
- About this quality standard
Depression in children and young people: identification and management (NG134)
This guideline covers identifying and managing depression in children and young people aged 5 to 18 years. Based on the stepped-care model, it aims to improve recognition and assessment and promote effective treatments for mild and moderate to severe depression.
All NICE products on depression. Includes any guidance and quality standards.
Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem: recognition and management (CG91)
This guideline covers identifying, treating and managing depression in people aged 18 and over who also have a chronic physical health problem such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It aims to improve the care of people with a long-term physical health problem, which can cause or exacerbate depression. This has the potential to increase their quality of life and life expectancy.
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing depression in children and young people (aged 5 to 18). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS48Show all sections
Sections for QS48
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Confirming and recording a diagnosis
- Quality statement 2: Information appropriate to age
- Quality statement 3: Suspected severe depression and at high risk of suicide
- Quality statement 4: Suspected severe depression without high risk of suicide
- Quality statement 5: Monitoring progress
- Update information
- About this quality standard
Esketamine nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression (TA854)
Evidence-based recommendations on esketamine (Spravato) for treatment-resistant depression in adults.
Depression and anxiety: biopsychosocial assessment at diagnosis (IND103)
This indicator covers the percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of depression in the preceding 1 April to 31 March who have had a bio-psychosocial assessment by the point of diagnosis. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM49
Digitally enabled therapies for adults with depression: early value assessment (HTE8)
Early value assessment (EVA) guidance on digitally enabled therapies for adults with depression....
Alcohol use: risk assessment for people with depression or anxiety (IND198)
This indicator covers the percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of depression or anxiety in the preceding 12 months who have been screened for hazardous drinking using the FAST or AUDIT-C tool in the 3 months before or after their diagnosis being recorded. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM177
Depression and anxiety: review within 10 to 35 days (IND104)
This indicator covers the percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of depression in the preceding 1 April to 31 March who have been reviewed within 10 to 35 days of the date of diagnosis. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM50
Alcohol use: brief intervention for people with depression or anxiety (IND199)
This indicator covers the percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of depression or anxiety and a FAST score of 3 or more or AUDIT-C score of 5 or more in the preceding 12 months, who have received brief intervention to help them reduce their alcohol related risk within 3 months of the score being recorded. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM178
Depression and anxiety: recovery following talking therapies (IND26)
This indicator covers the proportion of people of all ages with depression and anxiety who clinically recover following talking therapies. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as CCG41
This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression) in children, young people and adults. The recommendations apply to bipolar I, bipolar II, mixed affective and rapid cycling disorders. It aims to improve access to treatment and quality of life in people with bipolar disorder.
Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance (CG192)
This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating mental health problems in women who are planning to have a baby, are pregnant, or have had a baby or been pregnant in the past year. It covers depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, drug- and alcohol-use disorders and severe mental illness (such as psychosis, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia). It promotes early detection and good management of mental health problems to improve women’s quality of life during pregnancy and in the year after giving birth.