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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results for potassium citrate
NICE is unable to make a recommendation on slow-release potassium bicarbonate–potassium citrate (Sibnayal) for treating distal renal tubular acidosis in people 1 year and over. This is because Advicenne withdrew its evidence submission.
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Sections for TA838
Renal and ureteric stones: assessment and management (NG118)
This guideline covers assessing and managing renal and ureteric stones. It aims to improve the detection, clearance and prevention of stones, so reducing pain and anxiety, and improving quality of life.
lithotripsy:- What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of empirical potassium citrate or bendroflumethiazide as preventive treatment...
Constipation in children and young people: diagnosis and management (CG99)
This guideline covers diagnosing and managing constipation in children and young people up to 18. It provides strategies to support the early identification and timely, effective treatment of constipation which will help improve outcomes for patients. It does not cover constipation caused by a specific condition.
Preventing recurrent hypomagnesaemia: oral magnesium glycerophosphate (ESUOM4)
Summary of the evidence on oral magnesium glycerophosphate for preventing recurrent hypomagnesaemia to inform local NHS planning and decision-making
Urinary tract infection (recurrent): antimicrobial prescribing (NG112)
This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in children, young people and adults who do not have a catheter. It aims to optimise antibiotic use and reduce antibiotic resistance.
effectiveness of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in women with clomifene citrate-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome is...