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Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results for rimegepant (migraine treatment)

  1. Rimegepant for preventing migraine (TA906)

    Evidence-based recommendations on rimegepant (Vydura) for preventing migraine in adults.

  2. Rimegepant for treating migraine (TA919)

    Evidence-based recommendations on rimegepant (Vydura) for the acute treatment of migraine in adults.

  3. Atogepant for preventing migraine (TA973)

    Evidence-based recommendations on atogepant (Aquipta) for preventing migraine in adults.

  4. Supporting the health and care system in improving productivity

    Recovering core services and improving productivity is an immediate priority for the NHS. To help, we’ve put all our relevant guidance and recommendations supporting this work in one place.

  5. Supporting the health and care system in improving productivity

    Recovering core services and improving productivity is an immediate priority for the NHS. To help, we’ve put all our relevant guidance and recommendations supporting this work in one place.

  6. 145,000 people in England to have further treatment choice for preventing migraine attacks

    NICE has for the first time recommended an oral treatment for preventing migraines.

  7. New treatment for acute migraine set to benefit thousands

    The first in a new class of treatment to be recommended by NICE for treating acute migraine will soon be available on the NHS to around 13,000 people.