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Guidance programme

Advice programme

Showing 1 to 15 of 95 results for schizophrenia

  1. Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: prevention and management (CG178)

    This guideline covers recognising and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in adults. It aims to improve care through early recognition and treatment, and by focusing on long-term recovery. It also recommends checking for coexisting health problems and providing support for family members and carers.

  2. Psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people: recognition and management (CG155)

    This guideline covers recognising and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people. It aims to improve early recognition of psychosis and schizophrenia so that children and young people can be offered the treatment and care they need to live with the condition.

  3. Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults (QS80)

    This quality standard covers treating and managing psychosis and schizophrenia in adults (aged 18 and over) in primary, secondary and community care. It also includes support for the families and carers of people with psychosis or schizophrenia. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  4. Bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people (QS102)

    This quality standard covers recognition, early intervention and long-term management of bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people (under 18). It also includes support for parents and carers. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

  5. Psychosis and schizophrenia

    All NICE products on psychosis and schizophrenia. Includes any guidance, advice and quality standards.

  6. Aripiprazole for the treatment of schizophrenia in people aged 15 to 17 years (TA213)

    Evidence-based recommendations on aripiprazole for treating schizophrenia in young people aged 15 to 17.

  7. Schizophrenia: lurasidone (ESNM48)

    Summary of the evidence on lurasidone (Latuda) for schizophrenia in adults aged 18 and over to inform local NHS planning and decision-making

  8. Schizophrenia: omega-3 fatty acid medicines (ESUOM19)

    Summary of the evidence on omega-3 fatty acid medicines for treating schizophrenia to inform local NHS planning and decision-making

  9. Mental health guidelines

    social care services - To be confirmed Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: prevention and management - Early intervention

  10. Smoking: smoking status of people with bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses (IND154)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or other psychoses whose notes record smoking status in the preceding 12 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM124

  11. Loxapine inhalation for treating acute agitation and disturbed behaviours associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (terminated appraisal) (TA286)

    NICE is unable to recommend the use in the NHS of loxapine inhalation for treating acute agitation and disturbed behaviours associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder because no evidence submission was received from the manufacturer of the technology.

    Sections for TA286

  12. Cardiovascular disease prevention: cardiovascular risk assessment for people with bipolar, schizophrenia or other psychoses (IND150)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients aged between 25 and 84 years with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses (excluding those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, familial hypercholesterolaemia or type 1 diabetes) who have had a full formal cardiovascular disease risk assessment performed in the preceding 12 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM120

  13. Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: cervical screening (IND85)

    This indicator covers the percentage of women aged 25 or over and who have not attained the age of 65 with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses whose notes record that a cervical screening test has been performed in the preceding 5 years. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM20

  14. Bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses: annual record of alcohol consumption (IND82)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses who have a record of alcohol consumption in the preceding 15 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomesThis indicator covers the percentage of patients with diabetes with a record of a foot examination and risk classification: 1) low risk (normal sensation, palpable pulses), 2) increased risk (neuropathy or absent pulses), 3) high risk (neuropathy or absent pulses plus deformity or skin changes or previous ulcer) or 4) ulcerated foot within the preceding 15 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM15

  15. Smoking: support and treatment for people with bipolar, schizophrenia and other psychoses (IND155)

    This indicator covers the percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or other psychoses who are recorded as current smokers who have a record of an offer of support and treatment within the preceding 12 months. It measures outcomes that reflect the quality of care or processes linked by evidence to improved outcomes. This indicator was previously published as NM125