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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results for senco
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results for senco
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management (NG87)
This guideline covers recognising, diagnosing and managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve recognition and diagnosis, as well as the quality of care and support for people with ADHD.
Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people (QS59)
This quality standard covers recognising and managing antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young people. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
View quality statements for QS59Show all sections
Sections for QS59
- Quality statements
- Quality statement 1: Early intervention
- Quality statement 2: Comprehensive assessment
- Quality statement 3: Improving access to services
- Quality statement 4: Parent or carer training
- Quality statement 5: Multimodal interventions
- Quality statement 6: Monitoring adverse effects of pharmacological interventions
- Update information
Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education (NG223)
This guideline covers ways to support social, emotional and mental wellbeing in children and young people in primary and secondary education (key stages 1 to 5), and people 25 years and under with special educational needs or disability in further education colleges. It aims to promote good social, emotional and psychological health to protect children and young people against behavioural and health problems.