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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results for sun protection
This guideline covers how to communicate the risks and benefits of natural sunlight exposure (specifically, the ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB) to help people understand why they may need to modify their behaviour to reduce their risk of skin cancer and vitamin D deficiency.
This guideline covers new buildings and communal outdoor areas. The aim is to ensure there are enough shady areas to protect people from overexposure to the sun.
Afamelanotide for treating erythropoietic protoporphyria (HST27)
Evidence-based recommendations on afamelanotide (Scenesse) for treating erythropoietic protoporphyria in adults.
Community pharmacies: promoting health and wellbeing (NG102)
This guideline covers how community pharmacies can help maintain and improve people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing, including people with a long-term condition. It aims to encourage more people to use community pharmacies by integrating them within existing health and care pathways and ensuring they offer standard services and a consistent approach. It requires a collaborative approach from individual pharmacies and their representatives, local authorities and other commissioners.
This guideline covers promoting physical activity for children and young people aged under 18 at home, preschool, school and in the community. It includes raising awareness of the benefits of physical activity, listening to what children and young people want, planning and providing spaces and facilities, and helping families build physical activity into their daily lives.
be to derive improved estimates of protective efficacy and duration of protection of the BCG vaccine. CG117/4
This guide describes the methods and processes, including expected timescales, that NICE follows when carrying out health technology evaluations. The methods and processes are designed to produce robust guidance for the NHS in an open, transparent and timely way, with appropriate contribution from stakeholders. Organisations invited to contribute to health technology evaluation development should read this manual in conjunction with the NICE health technology evaluation topic selection: the manual. All documents are available on the NICE website.