1 Recommendations


UrgoStart is recommended as a cost saving option to treat diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers.


There is not enough evidence to support the case for routine adoption of UrgoStart for non-venous leg ulcers.

Why the committee made these recommendations

UrgoStart is a range of dressings which can improve wound healing for diabetic foot ulcers and improve the rate of wound healing for venous leg ulcers. Cost modelling shows that UrgoStart is cost saving compared with standard care dressings in these groups.

UrgoStart should therefore be considered as an option for people with diabetic foot ulcers or venous leg ulcers after any modifiable factors such as infection have been treated.

There is less evidence for non-venous leg ulcers so, although clinical benefits are possible, further evidence is needed to make a recommendation.