1 Recommendations


Magtrace and Sentimag is recommended as an option to locate sentinel lymph nodes for breast cancer in hospitals with limited or no access to radiopharmacy.


Further data collection is recommended to monitor the number of additional sentinel lymph node biopsies done in each hospital after the technology is adopted in clinical practice.

Why the committee made these recommendations

Evidence shows that Magtrace and Sentimag is likely to be as effective at detecting sentinel lymph nodes as the radioactive isotope tracer and blue dye dual technique used in standard practice. Standard practice requires nuclear medicine safety procedures and facilities.

Clinical expert advice suggested that hospitals with limited or no access to radiopharmacy are more likely to realise the opportunity costs that make this technology a cost-saving option. These hospitals are likely to be able to do more procedures because scheduling is less dependent on external supply chain and staffing resources.

Because the potential cost saving depends on the opportunity costs, and the economic evidence is limited, data collection is recommended to understand if cost savings are made once the technology is adopted in clinical practice.