
People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care.

Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding.

1.1 Detection in primary care

Recommendations in this section have been incorporated into NICE's guideline on suspected cancer.

1.1.1 Awareness of symptoms and signs

Refer the woman using a suspected cancer pathway referral if physical examination identifies ascites and/or a pelvic or abdominal mass (which is not obviously uterine fibroids).

Carry out tests in primary care (see the section on asking the right question – first tests) if a woman (especially if 50 or over) reports having any of the following symptoms on a persistent or frequent basis – particularly more than 12 times per month:

Advise any woman who is not suspected of having ovarian cancer to return to her GP if her symptoms become more frequent and/or persistent.

1.1.2 Asking the right question – first tests

If serum CA125 is 35 IU/ml or greater, arrange an ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis.

For any woman who has normal serum CA125 (less than 35 IU/ml), or CA125 of 35 IU/ml or greater but a normal ultrasound:

  • assess her carefully for other clinical causes of her symptoms and investigate if appropriate

  • if no other clinical cause is apparent, advise her to return to her GP if her symptoms become more frequent and/or persistent.

1.2 Establishing the diagnosis in secondary care

1.2.1 Tumour markers: which to use?

Measure serum CA125 in secondary care in all women with suspected ovarian cancer, if this has not already been done in primary care.

In women under 40 with suspected ovarian cancer, measure levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) and beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG) as well as serum CA125, to identify women who may not have epithelial ovarian cancer.

1.2.2 Malignancy indices

Calculate a risk of malignancy index I (RMI I) score (after performing an ultrasound; see recommendation in the section on imaging in the diagnostic pathway: which procedures?) and refer all women with an RMI I score of 250 or greater to a specialist multidisciplinary team.

See the appendix for details of how to calculate an RMI I score.

1.2.3 Imaging in the diagnostic pathway: which procedures?

Perform an ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis as the first imaging test in secondary care for women with suspected ovarian cancer, if this has not already been done in primary care.

If the ultrasound, serum CA125 and clinical status suggest ovarian cancer, perform a CT scan of the pelvis and abdomen to establish the extent of disease. Include the thorax if clinically indicated.

Do not use MRI routinely for assessing women with suspected ovarian cancer.

1.2.4 Tissue diagnosis

Requirement for tissue diagnosis

If offering cytotoxic chemotherapy to women with suspected advanced ovarian cancer, first obtain a confirmed tissue diagnosis by histology (or by cytology if histology is not appropriate) in all but exceptional cases.

Offer cytotoxic chemotherapy for suspected advanced ovarian cancer without a tissue diagnosis (histology or cytology) only:

  • in exceptional cases, after discussion at the multidisciplinary team and

  • after discussing with the woman the possible benefits and risks of starting chemotherapy without a tissue diagnosis.

Methods of tissue diagnosis other than laparotomy

If surgery has not been performed, use histology rather than cytology to obtain a tissue diagnosis. To obtain tissue for histology:

  • use percutaneous image-guided biopsy if this is feasible

  • consider laparoscopic biopsy if percutaneous image-guided biopsy is not feasible or has not produced an adequate sample.

    Use cytology if histology is not appropriate.

1.3 Management of suspected early (stage I) ovarian cancer

1.3.1 The role of systematic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy

Perform retroperitoneal lymph node assessment as part of optimal surgical staging in women with suspected ovarian cancer whose disease appears to be confined to the ovaries (that is, who appear to have stage I disease).

Lymph node assessment involves sampling of retroperitoneal lymphatic tissue from the para-aortic area and pelvic side walls if there is a palpable abnormality, or random sampling if there is no palpable abnormality.

Optimal surgical staging constitutes: midline laparotomy to allow thorough assessment of the abdomen and pelvis; a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and infracolic omentectomy; biopsies of any peritoneal deposits; random biopsies of the pelvic and abdominal peritoneum; and retroperitoneal lymph node assessment (Winter-Roach et al. [2009]).

Do not include systematic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy (block dissection of lymph nodes from the pelvic side walls to the level of the renal veins) as part of standard surgical treatment in women with suspected ovarian cancer whose disease appears to be confined to the ovaries (that is, who appear to have stage I disease).

1.3.2 Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy for stage I disease

Do not offer adjuvant chemotherapy to women who have had optimal surgical staging and have low-risk stage I disease (grade 1 or 2, stage Ia or Ib).

Offer women with high-risk stage I disease (grade 3 or stage Ic) adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of 6 cycles of carboplatin.

Discuss the possible benefits and side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy with women who have had suboptimal surgical staging and appear to have stage I disease.

Optimal surgical staging constitutes: midline laparotomy to allow thorough assessment of the abdomen and pelvis; a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and infracolic omentectomy; biopsies of any peritoneal deposits; random biopsies of the pelvic and abdominal peritoneum; and retroperitoneal lymph node assessment (Winter-Roach et al. [2009]).

1.4 Management of advanced (stage II to IV) ovarian cancer

For NICE technology appraisal guidance on first-line chemotherapy see the NICE topic page on ovarian cancer.

1.4.1 Primary surgery

If performing surgery for women with ovarian cancer, whether before chemotherapy or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the objective should be complete resection of all macroscopic disease.

1.4.2 Intraperitoneal chemotherapy

1.4.3 Second-line and subsequent treatment

For NICE technology appraisal guidance on second-line and subsequent treatment for ovarian cancer, including genomic biomarker-based therapy, see NICE's topic page on ovarian cancer.

The point at which to use genomic biomarker-based therapy in solid tumour treatment pathways is uncertain. See NICE's topic page on genomic biomarker-based cancer treatments.

1.5 Support needs of women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer

Offer all women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer information about their disease, including psychosocial and psychosexual issues, that:

  • is available at the time they want it

  • includes the amount of detail that they want and are able to deal with

  • is in a suitable format, including written information.

Ensure that information is available about:

  • the stage of the disease, treatment options and prognosis

  • how to manage the side effects of both the disease and its treatments in order to maximise wellbeing

  • sexuality and sexual activity

  • fertility and hormone treatment

  • symptoms and signs of disease recurrence

  • genetics, including the chances of family members developing ovarian cancer

  • self-help strategies to optimise independence and coping

  • where to go for support, including support groups

  • how to deal with emotions such as sadness, depression, anxiety and a feeling of a lack of control over the outcome of the disease and treatment.

Terms used in this guideline

Suspected cancer pathway referral

Person to receive a diagnosis or ruling out of cancer within 28 days of being referred urgently by their GP for suspected cancer. For further details, see NHS England's webpage on faster diagnosis of cancer.