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Blisterpack of green and sky blue pills

Best practice in generating evidence for AI and digital healthtech innovations

Monday 24 March 2025, 10am to 1pm

Strengthen your approach to evidence generation with this expert-led masterclass from NICE Advice and the University of Birmingham. This practical session will equip you with proven approaches to building the robust evidence base that NHS decision makers require when considering adoption of digital health and AI technologies. Walk away with clear steps to strengthen your market access strategy.

A room of people at the NICE conference

NICE Conference 2025

Thursday 27 March 2025

NICE is celebrating 25 years of independence, transparency and rigour which have earned it a globally respected reputation. 

The event brings together frontline staff and leaders from health and care together with the life sciences, healthtech and digital sectors, to explore how NICE continues to transform to meet the rapidly changing needs of the system.

Register for the NICE Conference 2025.

Applications for the NICE bursary scheme are now closed.

A nurse taking care of a newborn baby

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  • speak at your live event
  • take part in your digital event.

We cannot provide speakers for events hosted or sponsored by a single industry sponsor. This is because it could constitute a conflict of interest.

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