
People can comment on our guidance at specific stages in its development. This means stakeholders and others with an interest in our guidance can feed back into the decision making process.

Current guidance consultations

The consultation process

This can vary between the different types of guidance. There are normally 3 main opportunities for external consultation.

Before development

We ask if a technology should be evaluated, and what the scope of the evaluation should be. The scope can include which parts of the topic, technology, condition or disease are considered.

Depending on the guidance type, this is called either scope consultation or topic engagement.

During development

We invite comments on a draft version of the guidance.

Often, questions for stakeholders get posted with the draft guidance.

After publication

We hold a review consultation to ask people if guidance should be updated, and how.

There are other opportunities for people to get involved in developing our guidance. Our guidance and public involvement pages offer more information on this.

Who takes part

We identify:

They are involved in different ways depending on the type of guidance.