About this information

NICE clinical guidelines advise the NHS on caring for people with specific conditions or diseases and the treatments they should receive. The information applies to people using the NHS in England and Wales.

This information explains the advice about treating depression in adults with a long-term physical health problem that is set out in NICE clinical guideline 91.

Does this information apply to me?

Yes, if you are:

  • aged 18 or over and have depression and a long-term physical health problem

  • a family member or carer of a person who has depression and a long-term physical health problem.

No, if your depression occurs mainly as the result of a particular treatment for a physical health problem (some drugs used to treat long-term physical health problems can cause depression in a small number of people). If you have any concerns about this, contact your healthcare professional.

NICE has also produced guidance on 'Treating depression in adults' (see www.nice.org.uk/CG90) that gives information about treatments for depression in people who do not have a long-term physical health problem.

Additional resources

  • Information Standard