6 Committee comments

6 Committee comments

6.1 The Committee noted that insertion of a subretinal prosthesis system for retinitis pigmentosa is intended for patients with end‑stage disease who have no useful sight and no other treatment options. It recognised that even minor improvements in vision may help these patients, but it wanted evidence that any changes in metrics of vision result in improvements in quality of life and activities of daily living. These considerations underpinned the specific recommendations about research in section 1.2.

6.2 The Committee noted that the evidence included studies of different devices, some of which are no longer used. The Committee recognised that the technology of subretinal prostheses and related devices is evolving and that further developments may result in substantial changes to outcomes which may influence patient selection in the future.

6.3 The Committee noted the importance of careful patient selection, including psychological counselling to ensure that patients have realistic expectations. It also noted the need for continued expert care of patients and their subretinal prostheses after the procedure.

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)