
The Department of Health (DH) asked the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to produce public health guidance on the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at population level.

CVD includes coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and peripheral arterial disease. These conditions are frequently brought about by the development of atheroma and thrombosis (blockages in the arteries). They are also linked to conditions such as heart failure, chronic kidney disease and dementia.

The guidance is for government, the NHS, local authorities, industry and all those whose actions influence the population's cardiovascular health. This includes commissioners, managers and practitioners working in local authorities and the wider public, private, voluntary and community sectors. It may also be of interest to members of the public.

The guidance complements, but does not replace, NICE's guidance on smoking cessation and prevention and tobacco control, physical activity, obesity, hypertension and maternal and child nutrition. It will also complement NICE guidance on alcohol misuse. The Programme Development Group (PDG) developed the recommendations on the basis of reviews of the evidence, economic modelling, expert advice, stakeholder comments and fieldwork.