Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy and evidence selection

Search strategy

Medline (1946 to present) was searched on 14 March 2014 using the following strategy:



3 exp Glucose Oxidase/

4 exp Iodine Compounds/ or exp Iodine/ or

5 exp Oxygen/ or


7 5 or 6

8 4 and 7

9 or exp "Wounds and Injuries"/

10 wound or exp Wound Healing/

11 exp Foot Ulcer/ or exp Skin Ulcer/ or exp Pressure Ulcer/ or exp Leg Ulcer/ or exp Varicose Ulcer/

12 9 or 10 or 11

13 1 or 2

14 3 or 8

15 14 and 12

16 13 or 15

This resulted in 74 papers. A similar strategy was adapted for Medline in Process, Embase, CINAHL, Pubmed and DARE (includes Cochrane Library, NHS EED, HTA, CRD) resulting in a total of 234 papers. In addition SCOPUS was used to search for citations of the key papers by Davies and Wood, resulting in 2 additional papers. Several articles were known to be published in Wounds UK, which is not included in the databases. Google Scholar was used to search for Oxyzyme or Iodozyme in Wounds UK, resulting in 4 additional papers, giving a total of 240 papers.

Evidence selection

Evidence was selected by 2 independent researchers using the following criteria:

  • Population: Adults with chronic wounds

  • Intervention: Iodozyme or Oxyzyme

  • Comparator: Standard Care

  • Outcomes: Include all fully reported

12 papers were obtained from the initial literature search and read in full by 2 reviewers, and 2 case series were selected for the Oxyzyme dressing, 1 case series for the Iodozyme dressing. The randomised controlled trial (Moffatt et al. 2014) was identified after the initial literature search was carried out.