Specialist commentators
The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:
Theresa Torrance, diabetes specialist nurse, Tayside NHS Trust. No conflicts declared.
Vanessa Goulding, highly specialist podiatrist, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. On the study management group for the Parafricta study.
Dr Abd Tahrani, honorary consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. He is supported by the NIHR in the UK and has received honoraria for lectures and advisory work from Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi-Aventis. Has also had investigator-led grant support from the Novo Nordisk Research Foundation.
Professor Michael Edmond, consultant in diabetes, King's College Hospital. On advisory board of Urgo and Limflow and previously Klox technologies and Crawford.