Specialist commentators
Specialist commentators
The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:
Professor Andrew Renehan, professor of cancer studies and surgery, University of Manchester and the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Humedics have provided financial support to the University of Manchester for the CLiFF project.
Dr Michael Heneghan, clinical director for liver services, Consultant Hepatologist & Professor of Hepatology, Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, did not declare any interests.
Professor Rajiv Jalan, professor of hepatology, editor in chief: Journal of Hepatology Head, Liver Failure Group, ILDH, Division of Medicine, UCL Medical School, has indirect interest from 2015 to present: has research collaborations with Takeda and Yaqrit, and is a consultant for and founder of Yaqrit Limited. He is the inventor of the following hepatological treatments: ornithine phenylacetate, Yaq-001, DIALIVE and Yaq-005.
Dr Tahir Shah, consultant hepatologist and transplant physician, Head of Birmingham Neuroendocrine Tumour Centre, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, did not declare any interests.
Mr Robert Sutcliffe, consultant in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, did not declare any interests.
Dr Abid R Suddle, consultant hepatologist and liver transplant physician, Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, did not declare any interests.
Mr Keith Roberts, consultant liver transplant, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, honorary reader, University of Birmingham, did not declare any interests.
Mr Bobby V M Dasari, consultant hepatopancreatobiliary surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, currently evaluating the role of Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy with SPECT-CT, ICG-PDR, fibroscan, wedge pressures to predict and prevent post-hepatectomy liver failure.