Expert commentators
Expert commentators
The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:
Dr Jim Carmichael, consultant radiologist, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Carmichael has received private income from HCA international, unrelated to any AI technology.
Dr Nicholas Hollings, consultant radiologist, Royal Cornwall Hospital. Expertise in chest and cardiothoracic radiology. Dr Hollings is the director of T2 Star Ltd, a publishing and radiology consultancy business. He has received a small honorarium for market research into the CT investigation of interstitial lung disease.
Dr Klaus Irion, consultant chest radiologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Dr Irion has approved a research grant for an AI tool for diagnosis of pleural malignancy and is in discussions with Warwick University about joint research on classification of chest radiographs as normal or abnormal.
Dr John Reynolds, consultant radiologist with expertise in cardiothoracic radiology, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. Declared no conflicts of interest.