Expert commentators
Expert commentators
The following clinicians contributed to this briefing:
Rakesh Heer, consultant surgeon and chair of urology, Newcastle Urology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Did not declare any interests.
John D Kelly, professor of uro-oncology, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, University College London. Professor Kelly was the chief investigator for testing the MCM5 biomarker and UroMark for detecting bladder cancer.
Sanjeev Madaan, consultant urological surgeon, Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford; visiting professor, Canterbury Christ Church University. Did not declare any interests.
Nikhil Vasdev, consultant urological and robotic surgeon and associate medical director for cancer services, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. Mr Vasdev is the chief investigator of the URO17 test in Europe. He received funding from KDx Diagnostics for the URO17 study in the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.