Equality considerations

Equality considerations

NICE is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between people with particular protected characteristics and others.

The Patient Status Engine (PSE) can be used for all ages, including newborns, babies and children. It can be used across health and social care settings. The Older People's Advocacy Alliance highlighted the importance of independent advocacy for people who are offered continuous health monitoring. This would allow them to understand the potential effects of using the technology before giving informed consent. Age is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.

People using the technology for home care would be provided with the device through their healthcare setting. The PSE needs good 3G or 4G connectivity, or Wi-Fi. Most people have good 4G coverage or Wi-Fi in their homes, but some people might be unable to access a decent internet connection. Care homes have less access to digital technology and connectivity than the general population. About 7,000 care homes in England do not have an adequate internet connection. During the COVID‑19 pandemic NHSX and NHS Digital worked to get more care homes and care providers connected to the internet.