The LATITUDE NXT Patient Management System is a remote monitoring system for people with a compatible Boston Scientific implanted cardiac device. The system collects patient and device information and transfers it to a secure central database for review by a clinical team to evaluate both the patient and the device as an alternative to some outpatient visits. The relevant clinical evidence is limited; no prospective studies were identified that compared remote monitoring using LATITUDE NXT with standard in-clinic monitoring. In 1 small non-randomised prospective study LATITUDE NXT showed a low number of false negatives and false positives for detecting adverse patient and device events when compared with other home monitoring systems. In 1 retrospective observational study, remote monitoring using LATITUDE NXT was associated with a statistically significant reduction in all-cause mortality and hospital re-admissions compared with no remote monitoring. In another retrospective observational study, the use of LATITUDE NXT was associated with a statistically significant increase in long-term post-implantation survival compared with in-clinic monitoring. The main component of the system, the LATITUDE Communicator, typically costs up to £500 (excluding VAT) per patient. The LATITUDE NXT Heart Failure Management System, which includes the Communicator, weighing scales and a blood pressure monitor, typically costs up to £1,200 (excluding VAT).
NICE has also published a medtech innovation briefing on the CareLink remote monitoring system (Medtronic) for compatible implanted cardiac devices.
Product summary and likely place in therapy
Effectiveness and safety
Technical and patient factors
Cost and resource use