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    4 Recommendations for further research

    Diagnostic accuracy

    4.1 The committee recommends more research on diagnostic accuracy in people with leg ulcers. The following considerations should be made when doing this research:

    • where the devices would be used in clinical practice and by who (specialist and non-specialist users; see section 3.11)

    • the most appropriate threshold for the automated measurement (see section 3.12). If an alternative threshold to the currently established threshold is being researched, then a prespecified threshold should be used and research should be done in a population not used to derive this threshold (external validation).

    • whether using additional outputs from other devices such as Doppler waveform and pulse volume waveform impacts clinical decision making (see section 3.5).

    Time to treatment

    4.2 The committee recommends collecting further data on the impact of the automated devices on the time to treatment for people with leg ulcers to reduce uncertainty in the economic modelling.

    Clinical outcomes

    4.3 The committee recommends collecting further data on clinical outcomes such as time to healing, and incorrect use of compression and its associated adverse consequences where possible.

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