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    1. Baptista PM, Martinez Ruiz de Apodaca P, Carrasco M et al. (2021) Daytime neuromuscular electrical therapy of tongue muscles in improving snoring in individuals with primary snoring and mild obstructive sleep Apnea. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(9): 1883

    2. Kotecha B, Wong PY, Zhang H et al. (2021) A novel intraoral neuromuscular stimulation device for treating sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung 25(4): 2083-90

    3. Nokes B, Baptista PM, de Apodaca PMR et al. (2022) Transoral awake state neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy for mild obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing

    4. Wessolleck E, Bernd E, Dockter S et al. (2018) Intraoral electrical muscle stimulation in the treatment of snoring. Somnologie 22(supplement2): 47-52