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  • Question on Consultation

    Do you agree with the proposed changes to recommendation 1.13.8?Please could you let us know if you agree or disagree (yes/no) and provide your reasons if you disagree.
  • Question on Consultation

    Do you agree with the proposed deletion of recommendation 1.13.13?Please could you let us know if you agree or disagree (yes/no) and provide your reasons if you disagree.
  • Question on Consultation

    Do you agree with the proposed changes to recommendation 1.15.10?Please could you let us know if you agree or disagree (yes/no) and provide your reasons if you disagree.
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    Do you have any comments on equality issues related to these recommendations?Please provide sources of information on equality issues if available.
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    Do you know of any other ongoing research in this area that may impact on the recommendations? (Yes/No)If yes, could you please provide sources of information.
The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.


An enquirer highlighted that the recent update of the chronic kidney disease (CKD) guideline (NG203) had removed a recommendation which provided a blood pressure target for people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease. As a result of this change, the CKD guideline now is inconsistent with the advice provided on blood pressure targets in the type 1 diabetes in adults guideline (NG17). This inconsistency was deemed to be unhelpful to clinical practice and thus requires resolving.

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