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    The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

    2 The technologies

    2.1 Digitally enabled weight-management technologies can be used to deliver specialist weight-management programmes. They can be accessed online or through an app, providing a multidisciplinary programme and in-app support from the programme's multidisciplinary team (MDT) of healthcare professionals. Some programmes offer medication reviews with a prescribing clinician alongside regular reviews with other members of the programme's MDT. Other programmes can collect and share medication adherence data with the NHS team to support weight-management medication prescribing. The frequency of reviews may vary depending on the technology, user preference and stage of the programme. NICE has assessed 7 technologies that can prescribe or monitor weight-management medication, as options for supporting treatment with weight-management medication for adults. The criteria for including technologies in this early value assessment (EVA) and details of each technology are in the scope on the NICE website. The technologies are:

    • CheqUp (CheqUp Health)

    • Gro Health W8Buddy (DDM Health)

    • Liva (Liva)

    • Oviva (Oviva)

    • Roczen (Reset Health)

    • Second Nature (Second Nature)

    • Wellbeing Way (Xyla Health and Wellbeing).

      During scoping, NICE also identified Juniper (Juniper Technologies UK) as a potential technology. But the company did not respond to requests for information so its eligibility could not be verified and no evidence was identified. So, this technology was not assessed and was not included in the recommendations.

    Care pathway

    2.2 Semaglutide must be used within a specialist weight-management service providing multidisciplinary management of overweight or obesity, including but not limited to tiers 3 and 4 (see NICE's technology appraisal guidance on semaglutide). Liraglutide for managing overweight and obesity must be prescribed in secondary care by a specialist multidisciplinary tier 3 weight-management service (see NICE's technology appraisal guidance on liraglutide).

    2.3 Tier 3 and 4 specialist weight-management services for people with overweight and obesity are defined in NHS England's guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs): Service Specification Guidance for Obesity Surgery (2016). The intensity, frequency and variety of support from an MDT of healthcare professionals varies between specialist weight-management programmes. It may be offered in person, remotely by telephone or video call, or as a combination of in-person and remote support. Programmes can last between 6 and 24 months, and the criteria for accessing these services may vary depending on the area and local funding.

    The comparator

    2.4 The comparator is standard care to support treatment with weight-management medication for adults. Standard care includes specialist weight-management programmes (including, but not limited to tier 3 and 4 services). They may be delivered face to face, remotely or as a combination of remote and face-to-face support.

    2.5 No or delayed treatment is also a relevant comparator. Some people are on waiting lists to access services or have no access at all.